What You Need to Ask HVAC Contractors in Pittsburgh About HVAC Repairs

When you have an HVAC system in your home or office, you must maintain it well.

A well-maintained HVAC system will work efficiently without using too much power and keep your electricity bills at a reasonable level. It will also keep your indoor environment comfortable all year round.

However, before working with a particular HVAC contractor in Pittsburgh, you need to know what to ask them. Let’s take a look at the questions you need to pose to your HVAC contractor before you procure their services.

1. What brands do you work with?

There are many popular HVAC brands on the market, so you’ll want contractors who are experienced in working with the brand that produced your HVAC system.

Even if they don’t specifically have experience with your brand of HVAC systems, if they have worked on many other brands, this can be a sign of how experienced they are.

2. Do you have financing options?

If you’re worried about your budget, you should ask HVAC contractors about the financing options they provide. These financing options can help you pay for HVAC repairs more quickly.

3. Can you give me some references?

A good HVAC service will be confident about the quality of their services. With this fact in mind, you should ask the HVAC contractor for references from past customers.

These references will give you a clear idea of the quality of the contractor’s services. Also, to reinforce your confidence in them, try looking at reviews on Google or Yelp to get more opinions about the HVAC contractor.

4. Do you offer maintenance plans?

Regular maintenance is extremely important if you want to keep your HVAC system running for a long time. A well-maintained HVAC system can last up to 25 years, saving you $10,000-$15,000 that you would have had to pay for a replacement system.

Good HVAC contractors in Pittsburgh will give you a concise maintenance schedule to ensure that your HVAC system gets all the necessary repairs promptly.

5. What kinds of services do you offer?

The ideal contractor should have a selection of HVAC services, including repair, installation, and maintenance. In addition, the contractor should ideally have services for both commercial and residential clients.

6. How do you size your equipment?

To get the best out of your HVAC system, it needs to be properly sized. So ask the contractor about how they size their HVAC equipment and they should be able to give you a rundown of the process.

Ideally, the contractor should carry out a thorough inspection of your home or office to determine the ideal size for your HVAC system.

Some contractors may say that they use a “rule of thumb” to determine the correct size and this could mean that they only size the HVAC systems based on a set of factors—this is a clear red flag. Contractors who don’t size HVAC systems properly can’t guarantee a proper installation.

What will HVAC contractors not do?

HVAC contractors in Pittsburgh can do a lot to help you get the best out of your HVAC system, but there are a few things that they won’t do. These include:

1. Install HVAC systems supplied by the customer

Reputable HVAC contractors in Pittsburgh will not install an HVAC system that the customer has purchased from a source other than them.

They don’t do installation under these circumstances because they can’t guarantee the compatibility, quality and warranty coverage from HVAC systems bought elsewhere. Attempting to install HVAC systems that the customer supplied could lead to liability problems for the contractor.

2. Fix older HVAC systems

Some HVAC contractors may have policies that say they won’t work on HVAC systems that are older than 15 years. This is because older HVAC systems usually need more extensive repairs, which may not be as economical as a full HVAC replacement.

Usually, HVAC contractors will offer to inspect older systems, but they would recommend replacing the system rather than repairing it.

3. Put profits before clients

A reputable HVAC contractor will never prioritize profits over their clients. If they know that a certain HVAC system or component isn’t right for their client, they won’t push it on clients, even if the client wants it.

The contractor will only recommend HVAC systems and parts that suit the customer’s unique needs and fit their budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some commonly asked questions and answers to consider:

1. What are some common signs that my HVAC needs repairs?

Telltale signs that your HVAC system needs repair include strange noises, burning smells, inefficient cooling or heating, high electricity bills, and high humidity levels in the air.

2. How often should I have my HVAC system looked at?

You should have your HVAC system checked at least once a year. However, the frequency of these inspections may increase depending on the age and condition of your system.

3. Do HVAC contractors offer warranties?

Ideally, an HVAC contractor should offer warranties. These warranties prove that they have confidence in the quality of their work and ensure that you can get your money back if you’re not satisfied.

Get in touch with HVAC contractors in Pittsburgh today

A good HVAC contractor can help you get the best out of your HVAC system for many years to come. They have the skills and experience to ensure that your HVAC system is given the proper maintenance and repairs which can extend its lifespan and save you money on replacing your system prematurely.

Get in touch with a contractor for HVAC repair services and more today.

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